Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori (SIAE) is an association-based public economic institute, responsible for the protection and exercise of copyright mediation in Italy, in the form of a non-profit-making collective management company. In 2018, X.ITE conducted a research project, which has the goal to (1) develop a comparative analysis between the Italian system and the main European and extra-European collecting models and (2) examine the main technological trends and the main actors of the cultural consumption ecosystem. These objectives converge in defining the implications for the market redesign and business model options for SIAE.
Management Models of Private Copying Copyright: Comparisons and Implications for Market (Re)Design.
The project aimed to support SIAE in understanding the new regulations regarding rights distribution for private copying. The Research Center was tasked with comparing and analyzing:
- copyright management across various European countries;
- various forms of «industrial organization», including the state of development of enabling technologies and models for primary and secondary distribution of private copying rights;
- market forms of private copying rights distribution services, including regulatory methods and profiles of operators in different market models;
- evolving forms best suited to ensuring market growth while maintaining competitive equity among multiple stakeholders;
- the development of one or more models or controlling expenditure, efficiency, distribution timing, and associated costs in private copying rights distribution;
- developing one or more models to assess the quantity, quality, and causes of undistributed rights.
The project was contracted in autumn 2021, with activities spanning partly across 2021 and partly across 2022.