The generation impact on market and social change. The future quest for health and healthcare across generation in Italy and Germany
This project proposes to study the impact of seemingly increasing generational differences on market behaviour, innovation, and social change. The analyses have healthcare industry as a specific focus. The research, conducted in collaboration with Luiss X.ITE Research Centre, is aimed at examining the behaviours, attitudes, and propensities of the generations of young people (under 30 - predominantly generation Z and alpha), adults (aged 30-60) – predominantly Gen X and Gen Y) as well as seniors (over 60 - predominantly "boomers") towards the evolution of healthcare.
News about this project:
Il Sole 24 Ore - L'evoluzione del concetto di salute, un viaggio attraverso le generazioni - Salute, priorità anche tra le giovani generazioni: cosa è cambiato dopo il Covid
Sky Tg 24 - La pandemia ha cambiato il concetto di salute: per 1 italiano su 2 è una priorità
adnkronos - Costabile (Luiss X.ITE): "Cambia il concetto di salute in base alle generazioni"