What is Alexa really?
At the moment, there's no such thing as a unanimous view on this smart object's identity but, at least, it is pretty clear that "smartification" represents fertile ground for research.
On the 3rd episode of LUISS Engaged Research Podcast, Prof. Paolo Peverini, X.ITE’s deputy director, discusses the effects of the increasing impact of AI on both our social and individual everyday life, presenting the outcomes of his research: “Smart objects in daily life: Tackling the rise of new life forms in a semiotic perspective.”
Between noteworthy points, it’s important to mention Smart Objects’ representation in advertisements and the research on the most frequent consumers’ concerns about how this objects actually work (An ongoing research which Prof. Peverini is carrying forward with Prof. Simona Romani, Senior Research Fellow)
To go into details, you can find the episode at the following link: https://open.luiss.it/en/podcast/smart-objects-and-social-action-a-controversial-relationship/